Product Description

Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit,
200 Preps
Zymo D7021
Storage Temperature: Room Temperature
The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral Kit is a fast viral DNA/RNA purification kit for viral DNA and RNA from plasma, serum, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine, blood, saliva and any other biological samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield. DNA/RNA Shield ensures nucleic acid stability during sample storage/transport at ambient temperatures (4°C-25°C). The reagent effectively lyses cells and inactivates nucleases and infectious agents (virus). The kit also features a buffer system that facilitates complete viral particle lysis for efficient DNA/RNA isolation. Viral DNA/RNA is bound to the column, washed, and eluted. The isolated high-quality viral DNA/RNA are ready for all downstream applications such as Next-Gen Sequencing, hybridization-based and RT/PCR detection.
Quick recovery of viral DNA/RNA from plasma, serum and other samples.
Omits the use of organic denaturants and proteases.
High-quality viral DNA/RNA is ready for RT-PCR, sequencing, etc.
Equipment: Microcentrifuge
Purity: High-quality nucleic acids are ready for Next-Gen Sequencing, RT/qPCR, hybridization, etc
Sample Source: Plasma, serum, saliva, urine, blood, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, biopsies, swab, and fecal samples
Size Range: 50 nt to ~200 kb
Yield: 25 µg DNA and 50 µg RNA