Quick-DNA/RNA Microprep Plus Kit
10 Preps
Zymo D7005T
Product Description

Quick-DNA/RNA Microprep Plus Kit
10 Preps
Zymo D7005T
The Quick-DNA/RNA Microprep Plus kit combines Quick-DNA/RNA technology with the addition of DNA/RNA Shield, a unique preservation and lysis technology, and Proteinase K to enable easy, reliable, and rapid isolation from a wide range of sample sources, including cells, solid tissue, and whole blood. The procedure uses Zymo-Spin column technology that results in high-quality gDNA and total RNA, ready for any downstream application including reverse transcription, microarray, sequencing.
 Regular price: $465.00 Sale price: $449.99 |  Regular price: $160.00 Sale price: $146.99 |