Kanamycin Sulfate Solution
1X5 ml
Zymo A1003-5
Product Description

Kanamycin Sulfate Solution
1X5 ml
Zymo A1003-5
Convenient:: Ready-to-use 35 mg/ml Kanamycin Sulfate Solution.
Ultra-Pure: Purity ≥ 98%. Ideal for amplifying plasmids, cosmids, and BAC/PACs in E. coli.
Sterile: Solution passed through a 0.2 µm filter to ensure sterility.
Kanamycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding 70S ribosomes resulting in dysfunctional translation of mRNA. Kanamycin is effective against both Gram (-) and Gram (+) bacteria. Resistance to kanamycin is conferred by an aminoglycoside phosphotransferase that modifies the antibiotic, preventing its interaction with ribosomes. Kanamycin is commonly used to select for cosmid vectors.
 Regular price: $40.00 Sale price: $34.99 |  Regular price: $115.00 Sale price: $106.99 |