YeaStar RNA Kit, 40 Preps
Zymo R1002

YeaStar RNA Kit, 40 Preps<br> Zymo R1002
YeaStar RNA Kit, 40 Preps
Zymo R1002
Item# Zymo-R1002
Regular price: $200.00
Sale price: $181.99

Product Description

YeaStar RNA Kit, 40 Preps<br> Zymo R1002
YeaStar RNA Kit, 40 Preps
Zymo R1002


Simple: Fast spin-column procedure yields pure yeast RNA without using glass beads or phenol. Versatile: Efficient RNA isolation from a broad spectrum of fungal species susceptible to Zymolyase. High-Quality: Isolated RNA is suitable for use in RT-PCR, Northern blotting, etc.


The YeaStar RNA Kit provides all the necessary reagents for RNA isolation from a broad spectrum of fungi including: Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus nivens var. aureus, Candida albicans/, Pichia pastoris, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Generally, the kit can be used for the purification of high-quality, total RNA from any fungus that can be lysed by yeast lytic enzyme. The kit facilitates the purification of 10-25 µg of total RNA from 1-1.5 ml of cultured cells using innovative Zymo-Spin column technology.