Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit,
100 Slides

Product Description

Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit,
100 Slides
Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit; Number of Slides: 100 Slides
Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit is intended to be used for differential staining of blood smears, bone marrow and blood parasites
Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit uses a combination of basic and acid dyes to produce a Romanowsky-type of staining
Anionic elements are stained predominantly with the basic dyes, methylene blue and azure, whereas cationic elements are stained with the acid dye eosin
Kit Contents: 30mL Wright-Giemsa Solution, 2 x 60mL Phosphate Buffer Solution (pH 6.8)
Expected Results: Erythrocytes (Pink-Tan), Leukocytes (Blue-Purple), Neutrophils (Light Purple or Lavender Granules in Cytoplasm), Eosinophils (Bright Red or Red-Orange Granules in Cytoplasm), Basophils (Deep Purple or Violet-Black Granules in Cytoplasm), Platelets (Violet-Purple Granules in Light Blue Cytoplasm)
Suggested Controls: Blood Smear on Clean Slide
Each component of the Wright-Giemsa Stain Kit may also be purchased separately