SMZ-Med 454 (Sodium Sulfamethazine)
Soluble Powder, Antibacterial, 1lb
Bimeda 1SUL006

Product Description

SMZ-Med 454 (Sodium Sulfamethazine)
Soluble Powder, Antibacterial, 1lb
Bimeda 1SUL006
This item could be sold only to Related Specialists with valid license .
Active Ingredient
sodium sulfamethazine
Sodium sulfamethazine soluble powder (100%) for convenient, once-a-day dosage in drinking water or as a drench to control and treat the following diseases when caused by one or more of the following pathogenic organisms susceptible to sulfamethazine: CATTLE – Treatment of Bacterial Pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (Shipping Fever Complex) (Pasteurella spp.); Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli); Necrotic Pododermatitis (Foot Rot) (Fusobacterium necrophorum); Calf Diphtheria (Fusobacterium necrophorum); Acute Metritis (Streptococcus spp.) BEEF CATTLE - Treatment of Acute Mastitis (Streptococcus spp.) SWINE - Treatment of Porcine Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli); Bacterial Pneumonia (Pasteurella spp.) CHICKENS – Control of Infectious Coryza (Haemophilus gallinarum); Coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix); Acute Fowl Cholera (Pasteurella multocida); Pullorum Disease (Salmonella pullorum) TURKEYS - Control of Coccidiosis (Eimeria meleagrimitis, Eimeria adenoeides) Do not medicate chickens or turkeys producing eggs for human consumption. Do not use in female dairy cattle 20 months or older, or in calves younger than one month of age or calves being fed an all-milk diet. Meat withdrawal: chickens, turkeys and cattle, 10 days; swine, 15 days.