Silicon-A-HRC Plate
2 Plates
Zymo C2009

Silicon-A-HRC Plate <br> 2 Plates <br> Zymo C2009
Silicon-A-HRC Plate
2 Plates
Zymo C2009
Item# Zymo-C2009
Regular price: $580.00
Sale price: $546.99

Product Description

Silicon-A-HRC Plate <br> 2 Plates <br> Zymo C2009
Silicon-A-HRC Plate
2 Plates
Zymo C2009


Component used in the OneStep-96 PCR Inhibitor Removal kit (Cat #D6035). Designed for efficient removal of polyphenolic compounds, humic/fulvic acids, tannins, melanin, etc. from most impure DNA and RNA preparations. Must be prepared using Prep Solution before use.