Quick-DNA FFPE MiniPrep,
50 Preps
Zymo D3067

Product Description

Quick-DNA FFPE MiniPrep,
50 Preps
Zymo D3067
Storage Temperature: Room Temperature
The Quick-DNA FFPE Kit provides a simple and reliable method for high yield/quality DNA isolation from formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples and sections. The unique chemistries of the product have been optimized for maximum recovery of non-crosslinked, ultra-pure DNA without RNA contamination. Simply digest deparaffinized tissues using the provided Proteinase K, heat, and then purify the DNA with the Zymo-Spin columns in the kit. DNA >50 bp or >500 bp can be selectively isolated by altering the lysis buffer conditions as described in the protocol. PCR inhibitors are effectively removed during the isolation procedure and eluted DNA is ideal for PCR, Next-Gen library prep, enzymatic manipulation, etc.
Streamlined purification of high-quality FFPE tissue DNA that is ideal for PCR, Next-Gen library prep, enzymatic manipulations, etc.
Size selection technology; recover total DNA >50 bp or >500 bp.
Applicable For: All sensitive downstream applications such as qPCR and Next-Generation sequencing.
Equipment: Microcentrifuge, heat block/bath (55°C and 90°C), isopropanol, beta-mercaptoethanol (optional).
Processing Volume: Tissue - ≤25 mg or (4) 20 µm thick with a surface area of 20 mm2
Purity: Typical A260/A280 ≥ 1.8
Sample Source: Tissue from paraffin block or tissue sections. Compatible with fresh/frozen tissue specimens
Sample Storage: Eluted DNA should be stored at ≤ -20°C.
Size Range: > 50 bp
Type: Total DNA
Yield: Up to 25 µg total DNA can be eluted into ≥ 50 µl.