Plastic Bottle with Flip Spout Cap,
16oz , 24/Case
Industrial Container B205L388

Product Description

Plastic Bottle with Flip Spout Cap,
16oz , 24/Case
Industrial Container B205L388
The B205 is a 16 oz natural-colored HDPE cylinder round bottle with 28-410 neck finish. Cylinder bottles have sharp square shoulders and a square base. High density polyethylene (HDPE) is marked with the resin identification code of 2. HDPE has a high tensile strength, good resistance to chemicals, good impact resistance, highly rigid, and highly scratch resistant. This item has a 28-410 neck finish. The first number refers to the diameter (in mm), and the second refers to the closure depth, style and thread. This container can be paired with a closure with a matching finish. Natural-colored containers are not actually colored. This is the natural color of the plastic, which is a milky translucent color. The L388 is a white PP 28-410 smooth skirt spouted dispensing cap. This cap is used primarily for industrial applications like cleaners and solvents, but can also be used with lotions, creams, and other personal care products. This lid is made of polypropylene (PP), which means it has a high heat toleration level and an excellent resistance to fatigue. This closure fits a container with a 28-410 neck finish. The first number refers to the diameter of the container's opening (in mm). The second number refers to the thread/style/depth of the closure's skirt.