Mamoray HDR-C Plus
Mammography Film
24 x 30 cm , 100 sheets per box

Mamoray HDR-C Plus <br> Mammography Film  <br>24 x 30 cm , 100 sheets per box <br> Agfa EMLPX
Mamoray HDR-C Plus
Mammography Film
24 x 30 cm , 100 sheets per box
Item# Agfa-EMLPX
Regular price: $275.00
Sale price: $259.99
Size:  Quantity: 

Product Description

Mamoray HDR-C Plus <br> Mammography Film  <br>24 x 30 cm , 100 sheets per box <br> Agfa EMLPX
Mamoray HDR-C Plus
Mammography Film
24 x 30 cm , 100 sheets per box

Mamoray HDR-C Plus Film MAMORAY HDR-C (high dynamic range - contrast) Plus film is designed for standard rapid (RP) processing. It uses two emulsion technologies working together: Split Emulsion Layer (S.E.L.) and Cubic Crystal technologies, which results in an unmatched mammography image quality.

MAMORAY HDR-C provides the best results in combination with MAMORAY screens and cassettes. The use of G138i developer and G334i HD fixer are strongly recommended.

Can be used with following products and services G138i developer and G334i fixer are strongly recommended, along with MAMORAY screens and cassettes.

Suitable for following market segments MAMORAY HDR-C Plus film is designed for standard RP processing