Product Description

Iron Stain Kit,
100 Slides
Type: Iron Stain Kit
Size: 100 Slides
Quantity: 1/Kit
The Iron Stain Kit is intended for use in the detection of ferric iron in tissues, blood smears, or bone marrow smears. Ferric iron is normally found in small amounts in bone marrow and the spleen. Abnormally large deposits may be seen in hemochromatosis and hemosiderosis. This product is based on the Prussian Blue reaction in which ionic iron reacts with acid ferrocyanide producing a blue color. Only ferric ions loosely bound to protein complexes will stain blue. Strongly bound ferric ions will not stain.
Kit Contents: 30mL Potassium Ferrocyanide Solution, 30mL Hydrochloric Acid Solution (2%), 30mL Nuclear Fast Red Solution, (1) Graduated Mixing Vial
Expected Results: Iron (Bright Blue), Nuclei (Red), Background (Pink)
Suggested Controls: Spleen or Bone Marrow
Sideroblasts: These are nucleated erythrocytes containing at least one small blue granule. If the blue granules surround the nucleus, the cell is a ringed sideroblast.
Siderocytes: These are non-nucleated erythrocytes containing at least one blue granule.
Reticuloendothelial Iron: Usually seen as blue particles on the marrow smear or as blue particles in the cytoplasm or phagocytic cells.
Each component of the Iron Stain Kit may also be purchased separately