Histology Xylene
Mixture of Ortho Meta/Para Isomer
Ethylbenzene, Gallon, 4/cs
Cardinal C4330

Histology Xylene <br> Mixture of Ortho Meta/Para Isomer <br>Ethylbenzene, Gallon, 4/cs <br> Cardinal C4330
Histology Xylene
Mixture of Ortho Meta/Para Isomer
Ethylbenzene, Gallon, 4/cs
Cardinal C4330
Item# Cardinal-C4330
Regular price: $120.00
Sale price: $99.99
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Product Description

Histology Xylene <br> Mixture of Ortho Meta/Para Isomer <br>Ethylbenzene, Gallon, 4/cs <br> Cardinal C4330
Histology Xylene
Mixture of Ortho Meta/Para Isomer
Ethylbenzene, Gallon, 4/cs
Cardinal C4330

C6H4(CH3)2 FW 106.17 Flash point: 27.7°C/82°F Boiling range: 137° to 144°C Store at 15° to 30°C.