Gram Stain Kit (Modified Brown & Brenn),

Product Description

Gram Stain Kit (Modified Brown & Brenn),
Gram Stain Kit (Modified Brown & Brenn); Size: 30mL Bottles
Gram Stain Kit (Modified Brown & Brenn) is intended for the demonstration and differentiation of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
Gentian Violet along with Lugol’s Iodine forms a dye lake staining both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms
Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are differentiated due to differences in cell wall composition
Gentian violet-iodine complex is removed from gram-negative bacteria while gram-positive bacteria retain the stain
Safranin O is then applied as a counterstain for the differentiated gram-negative bacteria
Kit Contents: 30mL Gentian Violet Solution, 30mL Lugol's Iodine Solution, 2 x 30mL Gram's Decolorizer Solution, 30mL Safranin O Solution (For Gram Staining), 30mL Picric Acid-Acetone Solution (0.1%)
Expected Results: Gram Positive Bacteria (Blue), Gram Negative Bacteria (Red), Background (Yellow), Nuclei (Red)
Suggested Controls: Tissue or Cell Smear containing both Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Organisms
Each component of the Gram Stain Kit may also be purchased separately