Fuji DI-ML Blue Base Daylight Load
Mammography Film 8 x 10 in
150 sheets per box
Fuji 16414851

Product Description

Fuji DI-ML Blue Base Daylight Load
Mammography Film 8 x 10 in
150 sheets per box
Fuji 16414851
Fuji DI-ML Blue Base Daylight Load Film
Dry Imaging Film
Neutral color tones comparable to conventional wet processing
DI-ML is a premium dry laser film that is dedicated for mammography. It has a D-max of 4.0, bluer film color, and better sharpness compared to DI-HL. DI-HL also has adequate image quality for mammography. Applicable for DRYPIX Plus and DRYPIX7000.
DRYPIX’s ECO-DRY system is environmentally friendly, films to processing. DRYPIX medical films employ unique aqueous solvents that are free from unpleasant odors and create neutral colored image so crisp, they’re indistinguishable from those printed on wet halide film. Additional ECO-DRY advantages include our development of new liquid-coating technology, which minimizes the need for harmful organic solvents like methyl-ethyl ketone and toluene in the thermal development of light-sensitive materials.