EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Automation Kit
96 Preps
Zymo D5049

Product Description

EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Automation Kit
96 Preps
Zymo D5049
Automation-specific streamlined design for high-throughput bisulfite conversion of DNA for methylation analysis.
Compatible with Illumina® Infinium™ MethylationEPIC, HTS iSelect® Methyl Custom, and Mouse Methylation arrays.
Optimized buffer volumes for consistent automation performance.
The EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Automation Kit is a high-throughput DNA bisulfite conversion kit designed for streamlining automation workflows. It is recommended for several downstream Illumina® Infinium® products such as MethylationEPIC, HTS iSelect® Methyl Custom, and Mouse Methylation BeadChip Arrays. This automation-specific kit features optimized buffer volumes for consistent performance on all open platform liquid handlers and magnetic bead transfer automated systems. Verified automation scripts are readily available for use on the Hamilton Microlab® STAR™/STARlet™, Thermo Fisher Scientific KingFisher™ Flex, and Tecan Fluent®.