Elastic Stain Kit (Modified Verhoeff's),
400 Slides
Product Description

Elastic Stain Kit (Modified Verhoeff's),
400 Slides
Elastic Stain Kit (Modified Verhoff's); Number of Slides: 400 Slides
Elastic Stain Kit is intended for use in histological demonstration of elastin in tissue sections
Demonstration of elastic tissue is useful in cases of emphysema (atrophy of elastic tissue), arteriosclerosis (thinning and loss of elastic fibers) and various other vascular diseases
Kit Contents: 250mL Hematoxylin Solution (5%), 125mL Ferric Chloride (10%, Aqueous), 125mL Lugol's Iodine Solution, 125mL Ferric Chloride (2%) Differentiating Solution, 125mL Sodium Thiosulfate Solution (5%), 125mL Van Gieson's Solution
Expected Results: Elastic Fibers (Black to Blue/Black), Nuclei (Blue to Black), Collagen (Red), Muscle & Other (Yellow)
Suggested Controls: Lung or Any Vascular Tissue
Each component of the Elastic Stain Kit may also be purchased separately