Defibrillator Lifepak CR Plus
AED External w/Pulse Biph Auto
Physio 80403-000149

 Defibrillator Lifepak CR Plus <BR>AED External w/Pulse Biph Auto <BR>Physio 80403-000149
Defibrillator Lifepak CR Plus
AED External w/Pulse Biph Auto
Physio 80403-000149
Item# Physio-80403-000149
Regular price: $1,565.00
Sale price: $1,499.99

Product Description

 Defibrillator Lifepak CR Plus <BR>AED External w/Pulse Biph Auto <BR>Physio 80403-000149
Defibrillator Lifepak CR Plus
AED External w/Pulse Biph Auto
Physio 80403-000149


The lifepak crŽ plus is easy to understand and use in a cardiac emergency, when every second counts They are built with the same advanced defibrillation technology used by emergency medical services and hospital personnel The physio-control lifepak cr plus aed is available in a semi-automatic and fully-automatic model The fully automatic lifepak cr plus aed requires just the first two steps, and the device does the rest The physio-control lifepak cr plus aed now comes standard with an 8 year manufacturer warranty