Product Description

DC&R Disinfectant,
1 Gallon
Neogen 42041
DC&R has proven effective as a disinfectant against bacteria, virus and fungi. It contains a unique combination of three active germicidal ingredients that kills organisms on contact and keeps killing for up to 7 days after application. It can be used in poultry and turkey farms, hatcheries, swine operations, dairy farms, cattle farms, veal farms, equine farms, emu and ostrich farms, zoos, veterinary clinics, kennels, pet shops, Federally inspected meat and poultry establishments (except where meat and food products are handled), animal life sciences laboratories and in farm foot baths. Use to disinfect pens, hutches, feeders, waterers, cages and livestock and poultry hauling vehicles and equipment. • Scientifically formulated so that when sprayed onto a surface the active ingredient, HNP, slowly decomposes yielding germ-killing levels of formaldehyde • Retains its activity even in the presence of organic matter • Effective in both acid and alkaline pH range • Non-corrosive