Atlantis dsDNase
12.5 U
Zymo E2030

Atlantis dsDNase <br> 12.5 U <br> Zymo E2030
Atlantis dsDNase
12.5 U
Zymo E2030
Item# Zymo-E2030
Regular price: $66.00
Sale price: $59.99

Product Description

Atlantis dsDNase <br> 12.5 U <br> Zymo E2030
Atlantis dsDNase
12.5 U
Zymo E2030


Ideal for use in nucleosome mapping studies. Sold separately or as part of EZ Nucleosomal DNA Prep Kit (D5220).


Atlantis dsDNase is a double-stranded DNA-specific endonuclease that cleaves phosphodiester bonds in DNA to yield homogeneous populations of core nucleosomes.