Alcian Blue PAS Stain Kit,
800 Slides
Product Description

Alcian Blue PAS Stain Kit,
800 Slides
Alcian Blue PAS Stain Kit; Number of Slides: 800 Slides
Alcian Blue-PAS Stain Kit is intended for use in the simultaneous histological visualization of sulfated and carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides, sulfated and carboxylated sialomucins (glycoproteins) and neutral mucins
Kit Contents: 2 x 125mL Acetic Acid Solution (3%), 250mL Alcian Blue Solution (pH 2.5), 250mL Periodic Acid Solution (1%), 250mL Schiff's Solution, 2 x 125mL Mayer's Hematoxylin (Lillie's)
Expected Results: Acidic Sulfated Mucosubstances (Blue), Hyaluronic Acid (Blue), Sialomucins (Blue), Neutral Mucins (Magenta), Mixtures of Acidic and Neutral Mucins (Blue-Mauve Depending on Dominant Entity)
Suggested Controls: Small or Large Intestine, Appendix or Colon
Each component of the Alcian Blue PAS Stain Kit may also be purchased separately